Seventeenth Sunday of Year, C – July 24, 2016.
Readings: Gen. 18:20-32; Responsorial Psalm PS 138:1-2, 2-3, 6-7, 7-8; Col. 2:12-14; Gospel Lk 11:1-13.
Theme: On Persistence & Not Giving Up On God
Dearly beloved in Christ, on this Sunday, we are presented with Jesus' teaching about prayer and persistence. As a response to a question one of his disciples asked, “Lord, teach us to pray…” (11:1) Elizabeth Johnson opines that Jesus offers a three-part teaching which includes: A model prayer, a parable about prayer, and some sayings about prayer. It is essential to understand the gospel reading (Lk 11:1-13) in the light of these three points earlier referred to:
1. A Model Prayer: It was St. Augustine who once said, "there is no human petition which the, Our Father does not take cognizance of." As a model prayer, the Lord's Prayer contains the four traditional formats of Catholic prayer namely: Adoration, thanksgiving, supplication and petition. (a). Prayer of Adoration: The words, "Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name" constitute the prayer of adoration. This prayer calls us to the solemn worship, adulation and adoration of God's awesomeness. It is also a call to keep the first two of the Ten Commandments of God: "I am the LORD your God" (Cf. Ex. 20 2-17) and "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain" (Deut. 5:6-21). How many times have we violated this injunction by putting other things like money, selfish desires and vain ambition, before the worship of God?