Shikrot Mpwi - Sunday Synopsis with Fr. Justine J. Dyikuk
Seventh Sunday of the Year, A – February 19, 2017
Readings: Lv 19:1-2, 17-18; Responsorial Psalm Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 8, 10,
12-13; 1st Cor 3:16-23;
Gospel Mt 5:38-48.
Gospel Mt 5:38-48.
Theme: Entrenching the Rightful New World Order: The
Task of Christians!
in the Christ, in our first reading (Lv 19:1-2, 17-18),
the Lord instructs Moses to relate his message of love, anchored on holiness,
to the people of Israel. This call to holiness has the appeal of loving
kindness which eschews hatred for one’s brother or sister from the heart; the
Lord goes ahead to prescribe fraternal correction, taking no revenge, holding
no grudge against anyone and loving a neighbour as one’s self, as prerequisite
for holiness.
reinforces the message of the first reading in the gospel (Gospel Mt
5:38-48) wherein he upturns societal thinking. In an unparalleled way, he entrenches a New World Order
(NWO) which goes against the normal Eye
for an eye, tooth for a tooth. That is not all, Jesus insists that we
should offer no resistance to the one who is evil, to turn the other check to
one who strikes us, offer our cloak to anyone who intends to go to law with us
over our tunic, go two miles with a person who invites us for one, give to
those who ask and never turn our backs on those who intend to borrow.
demonstrate the paradoxical hero that He is, Jesus continues his Divine
Catechises by stating that resisting hatred for enemies by loving them and praying
for those who persecute us is to holiness. What is more, He calls us to emulate
God who lets his sun to shine on both the good and the bad. By inviting us to
be perfect as our heavenly father is holy, Jesus wants us to do something
different, something extra which the tax collectors and pagans cannot do namely,
returning good for evil – this constitutes the NWO He came to establish intends
that His would-be followers continue.
Sadly, in
our society today, instead of entrenching
the rightful NWO, some Christians have joined ranks with forces of evil
in the world to propose a conspiracy theory of a secularist NWO which defers in
intent and content with what Jesus offers us in the gospel. The current worldly
NWO is the emergence of a totalitarian world government pioneered by a
secretive powerful elite which is pushing a globalist agenda of eventually ruling
the world.
worrisome aspect of the NWO is that those behind it are a cabal that orchestrates
important political and financial conspiracy policies in the world. Their aim
is to cause systemic crises at both national and international levels with a ploy
to achieving world domination through a secularist agenda of exaggerated
feminism, celebration of man’s passions, unwarranted demand for gay rights and
what we now know as illuminati. The lure of developing nations to take foreign loans
which eventually become Greek gifts are all part of this agenda.
Jesus calls Christians wherever they are to be gentle as doves and wise as
serpents. Amidst these western secularist power brokers who are bent on
bringing the world to its knees through the modern NWO which contradicts what
our paradoxical hero proposes, we are called to stand up for our faith.