Shikrot Mpwi - Sunday Synopsis with Fr. Justine J. Dyikuk
Sunday of the Year – July 2, 2017
2 Kings 4:8-11,13-16; Responsorial Psalm Ps 88:2-3,16,19;
Rom 6:3-4,8-11 &
Gospel Matthew 10:37-42.
Of Giving & a Prophet’s Blessing!
Friends in Christ, food and shelter constitute
critical human needs. When these are in place in a family, life becomes easy as
other human needs like clothing and education fall in place. However, in the
African context, what seemingly makes a family complete is the blessing of a
child. Childless families go through pains while waiting for a miracle. Our
first reading (2 Kings 4:8-11,13-16) today presents us with the uncanny generosity of a
Shunammite family, in that kind of situation, who provided the Prophet Elijah
with food and shelter.
As it were, in appreciation for their magnanimous
deed, the Prophet promised them a child. It is obvious that food, shelter and a
descent life were not out of reach for this family. What is crucial was their
open-handedness. Their generosity to the Prophet fast tracked a miracle for
this family. It was the miracle of a lifetime because the husband was well off in
years. In this story, we learn how material generosity brings about spiritual
In a similar scenario in the scripture, we are told
that Jesus watched the Scribes putting their money in the 13 collection chests
that were available in the synagogue. As expected, the rich did so in a very
arrogant manner. He noticed this widow who dropped two copper coins and praised
her for her generosity. By using this poor widow as a prototype for generosity,
Jesus presents her as a paradoxical hero. The lesson is, in the sight of God, a
little with a pure heart is better that much gotten from loot. Apparently, until
it pains, giving is only a show.
Three Types of Givers
We shall reflect on three types of givers in the light
of our liturgical theme:
1. Thanks Givers: Thanks givers are those who, with a cheerful heart,
offer a wholehearted service to God for his kindness and blessings in their
lives. Often times, these Christians invite neighbours and colleagues to Church
where they book Mass of thanksgiving to God for promotion, protection and
provision. Amidst family and friends, they dance to the altar of God bringing
their gifts before him. Little wonder Paul says: "God loves a cheerful
giver" (2 Corinthians 9:7).
2. Ought Givers: Like the name implies, Ought Givers are Christians who give because they ought to give not because it is a dutiful service unto the Lord. A classical example of this category of people are Ananias and Sapphira who decided to hoard some parts of the money that accrued from the sale of their land and declared a little before the apostles. They gave because others were giving not because they were convinced to give. The long and short of the story is that they were struck dead (Cf. Acts 5:1-11).
2. Ought Givers: Like the name implies, Ought Givers are Christians who give because they ought to give not because it is a dutiful service unto the Lord. A classical example of this category of people are Ananias and Sapphira who decided to hoard some parts of the money that accrued from the sale of their land and declared a little before the apostles. They gave because others were giving not because they were convinced to give. The long and short of the story is that they were struck dead (Cf. Acts 5:1-11).
3. Grudge Givers: Grudge givers are those who complain as soon as it is
time for collection, levy, bazaar, tithe or launching of whatever sort in the
parish. They are anti-giving. Most times, their money is for their enjoyment.
They prefer to lavish their money on cars, building, wine, women, recharge
card, DSTV to mention a few rather than “waste” it on any missionary
enterprise. It is because of this kind of givers that St. Paul said: "Each
one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under
compulsion" (2 Corinthians 9:7).
Four Kinds of Giving
The three types of givers we have seen prepare us for
the four kinds of giving there are:
1. Qualitative Giving: This is about setting aside the best of all that the
Lord has given us to return thanks to him. It is because of this kind of giving
that God accepted the sacrifice of Abel and rejected that of Cain (Gen 4:4
Cain). St. Paul insists that: "Each
one of you is to put aside and save, as he may prosper" (1 Corinthians
16:2). Though the widow that gave two copper coins was poor, she gave more and
was praised by Jesus (Mark 12:41-44).