Friday, 29 September 2017

Shikrot Mpwi - Sunday Synopsis with Fr. Justine J. Dyikuk
 Solemnity of Our Lady Queen and Patroness of Nigeria – October 1, 2017
Readings: Isaiah 11:1-10; Responsorial Psalm Ps 71:1-2,7-8,12-13,17;
 Eph 2:13-18 & Gospel Matthew 2:13-15,19-23.
Theme: Trusting Our Country to the Care of the Blessed Virgin Mary


Beloved in Christ, it is providential that the Blessed Mother Mary accompanies us in the Local Church in Nigeria and the Universal Church. The Church Fathers in Nigeria have urged us all to join in the Universal celebration of the Centenary of the apparitions of Fatima in Portugal. It is our desire that the three little shepherds of Fatima, Lucy, Francisco and Jacinta would join the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady Queen and Patroness of Nigeria to intercede for our country Nigeria as we mark her feast and the 57th independence anniversary of our nationhood.

Explication of our Liturgical Readings

In the first reading, the prophet Isaiah (11:1-10) foretells that the shoot which will spring from the stock of Jesse shall stand as a signal to the peoples. He further states that it will be sought by the nations noting that its home will be glorious. It is instructive to note that that prophesy is fulfilled in Jesus whom St. Paul in the second reading (Eph 2:13-18) says, came to restore peace through the cross thus enabling us to find our way to the father.

The gospel narrative of the flight to Egypt reminds us about the sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary, BVN. While we will not reflect entirely on the sorrows of the BVM this homily, it is essential to note that Jesus, who came from the stock of Jesse was nurtured within the confines of a human family. It is worth recalling some of the challenges the Holy Family encountered on their way to Egypt. Often times we forget to remember the cold weather, the rocky terrain, the mode of transportation and the distance to Egypt. 

The story is told of the armed robbers they met on the road. When they were about dispossessing them of their belongings, the baby Jesus smiled; at his radiant smile, the commander of the gang ordered that everything be returned to them. That is how they left for Egypt safely. We are told that the commander of the gang was the good thief whom Jesus forgave on the cross. Apparently, the extra biblical source where this is story is gotten lives us with the lesson of one good turn deserves another. This story leads us to the invaluable place of the BVM in salvation history and why she is the Queen and Patroness of Nigeria.

Why we must place our country under the banner of Mary

Ø  At 57, Nigeria is yet to reach her full potentials due to needless military interventions in our polity leading to bribery and corruption, marginalization and cries of session which has further given birth to hate speeches and intimation – this is why we are placing our country under the banner of Our Lady Queen and Patroness of Nigeria for urgent intercession;
Ø   We are challenged to say “yes” to the will of God like the BVM whose “yes,” to the will of God in Luke 1:26-38 turned human history for good – Our fortunes can change if we say “yes” to doing good and “no” to doing bad;