Shikrot Mpwi - Sunday Synopsis
with Fr. Justine J. Dyikuk
Twenty Fourth
Sunday of the Year, C – September 15, 2019.
Readings: Ex.
32:7-11, 13-14;
Responsorial Psalm Ps 51:3-4, 12-13,17&19(;
1 Tim 1-12-17; Gospel Lk 15:1-32.
Theme: Imitating
the Prodigal Father
Friends in Christ, our liturgy calls us to shun working only for reward
but to reflect on God’s mercy and forgiveness. Titled “Imitating the Prodigal Father,”thishomily
urges us to reflecton God’s love for us which is both radical and prodigal. In
a society where sin has become a cancer, we are reminded that the handy cure is
God’s unfathomable mercy. We shall consider a summary of the readings so as to
get the desired pastoral lessons.
and Summary of the Readings
In the first reading (Ex. 32:7-11, 13-14), we are told
when Moses delayed in coming down from the mountain, the sons and daughters of
Israel quickly made a calf of molten metal and started worshipping it. God was
enraged and wanted to destroy them but Moses pleaded on their behalf. In the
end, God relented from the disaster he had threatened.
In the second reading (1 Tim 1-12-17), Saint Paul
disclosed to Timothy that although he persecuted the Church terribly, God was
merciful to him by reconsidering him. He stressed that Christ came into the
world to save sinners. He further revealed that if mercy had been shown him, it
was because Christ wanted to make him the greatest evidence of God’s
inexhaustible patience for others who would come to trust in him for eternal
The gospelaccount (Lk 15:1-32) recounts that after Jesus focused his gaze on the Pharisees who criticized him for eating
with sinners, he gave them three parables - The Lost Sheep,the Lost Coin and
the Prodigal Son to illustrate God’s unfathomable love for his children – these
parables demonstrate how God goes after the one who is lost in order to rescue
him or her.
Pastoral Lessons
1. Beware of
Modern Molten Metals:Our
first reading cautions us to shun modern molten metals like sex,
materialism, drugs, alcohol and raw-power which many people are worshipping in
our age.
2. Our God is a
God of Second Chance:The story of St.
Paulreveals how God always gives us second chance in order to reform and make
it to the Premier League of candidates for heaven.
3. Put God
Before Possessions: We are urged to
beware of excessive love for material possessions becauseby demanding his share
of property, the Prodigal Son put possessions first before God and family which
landed him in big trouble.
4. Eschew
Self-praise and Self-righteousness:We are called to watch against expressing self-praise and
self-righteousness as well as playing the victim or
displaying excessive anger like the eldest son whose refusal to go in almost
disrupted the party for his younger brother’s welcome.