Saturday, 22 December 2018

Shikrot Mpwi - Sunday Synopsis with Fr. Justine J. Dyikuk

Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year C –Dec 23, 2018.
Readings: Micah 5:1-4; Hebrews 10:5-10; Gospel Luke 1:39-44.
Theme: Closing Advent by Recognising the First Tabernacle!
Beloved in Christ, today is the fourth and last Sunday of Advent. For four Sundays, we have been given the chance to prepare spiritually for the celebration of Christmas. Our liturgy starts with the message of hope as it navigates through its fulfillment in Christ who came to do the will of God. It ends with a call on us to prepare our minds by recognizing Jesus who is coming at Christmas in Mary’s womb, the First Tabernacle. 
Background & Summary of the Readings
The first reading (Micah 5:1-4) presents us with the assurances of the Prophet Micah to the people that out of Bethlehem, least of the clans of Judah will be born one who would rule over Israel and restore their fortunes. He goes further to state that in his days, the remnant of Yahweh will return as the Lord feeds his flock with power. He concludes that the people will live secure and peaceful as the Lord extends his dynasty to the ends of the earth.
In the second reading (Hebrews 10:5-10), the writer of the Letter to the Hebrews tells us that Christ came to offer himself for us once for all to be holy. He emphasizes that he takes no delight in oblations, holocausts and sacrifices for sins but obedience to the will of God which he demonstrated by coming into the world.
The gospel (Luke 1:39-44) recounts the glorious visit of the Blessed Virgin Mary to her kinswoman Elizabeth. Saint Luke reveals how Mary’s greeting made the child in the womb of Elizabeth leap for joy. Filled with the Holy Spirit, Elizabeth said, “Of all women you are the most blessed, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. Why should I be honoured with a visit from the mother of my Lord? For the moment your greeting reached my ears, the child in my womb leapt for joy. Yes, blessed is she who believed that the promise made her by the Lord would be fulfilled.” 

Pastoral Application
Our pastoral lessons are drawn from the commentary of Saint Ambrose on Saint Luke's Gospel concerning the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary which we read today:]

1. God Favours the Humble: The assurances of the Prophet Micah to the people that out of Bethlehem, least of the clans of Judah will be born one who would rule over Israel and restore their fortunes demonstrates that God always favours the humble.

2. Obedience is Better than Sacrifice: The message of the letter to the Hebrews that Christ takes no delight in oblations, holocausts or sacrifices for sins but obedience to the will of God which he demonstrated by coming into the world challenges us to always desire to do the will of God.
3. God’s Word Comes to Fruition: By announcing something that was as yet hidden through the angel Gabriel, God urges us to relax because his word concerning us would be fulfilled.

4. Miracles of Others Evoke Faith in Us: Just as the angel’s message to the Virgin Mary that her kinswoman Elizabeth had conceived served to evoke faith in her, we are reminded that God enables miracles in the lives of our friends, nieghbours or family members to teach us that he has not passed us – meaning that our miracle is on the way.

5. Everything is Possible with God: The conception of an old sterile woman, Elizabeth assures that nothing is possible to God – Not even your deadly disease, poor finances or sins can prevent God from doing the needful in your life.

6. Trust in God Wins his Favour: We are challenged to emulate Mary who did not disbelieve the angle’s prophecy but was certain that God would fulfill that which he has promised.

7. Sharing what God does for us Increases Blessings: Because the Blessed Virgin Mary was eager to travel to the hill country of Judah to share the good news with cousin, we are encouraged to share God’s goodness in our lives with others as this increases blessings.