Twenty-fifth Sunday of the Year, C – September 18, 2016.
Readings: Amos 8:4-7, 13-14; Responsorial Psalm Ps 113: 1-2.4-8.R.v.17); 1 Tim 2:-1-8; Gospel Lk 16:1-13.
Theme: The Scandal of Padding & a Call to Faithfulness
Nigerians recently woke up with a new vocabulary in the news namely, “padding.” For the purpose of this homily, padding is inflating or removal of entries in a financial account. The alleged padding of the 2016 appropriation bill has left our country in economic comatose as implementation is way out in the woods.
While Nigerians are waiting for the outcome of the purported budget padding and perhaps bringing the culprits to book as President Muhammadu Buhari has promised, this Sunday, we are presented with the story of a servant who padded his Master’s accounts for future favours.