Saturday, 2 March 2019

Shikrot Mpwi - Sunday Synopsis with Fr. Justine J. Dyikuk

Eight Sunday of the Year C – March 3, 2019.
Reading: Sir. 27:4-7; Responsorial Psalm 92:1-2.12-13.14-15(R.1a);
 1 Cor. 15:54-58 & Gospel Luke 6:39-45.

Theme: Guarding the Tongue!

Friends in Christ, our liturgy today cautions us about the wrong use of the tongue. The scripture says, “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth flows” (Cf.  Matthew 12:34; Proverbs 4:23; Proverbs 10:11; Psalm 14:1). That is to say, the tongue does not act on its own. It is propelled by something from the inside. Indeed, it is from the inner recesses of the heart that the mouth flows. This is why the bible says, “Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech” (1 Peter 3:10).
Today’s reflection titled, “Guarding the Tongue” shall consider the summary of the readings and the biblical examples of those whose speech caused their destruction. It shall also raise questions about contemporary implications of foul speech which would lead to the pastoral lessons. 

Background & Summary of the Readings
The Wisdom Book of Ecclesiasticus where we took our first reading (Sir. 27:4-7) relates that “a man’s words betray what he feels.” Ben Sirach empathically states that “the defects of a man appear in his speech.” He also warns against praising people before they speak since speech is the test of a man’s character and integrity.
In the second reading (1 Cor. 15:54-58), St. Paul argues that Death is swallowed up in victory because a time would come when perishability would put on imperishability and mortality, immortality. He maintains that we should thank God for the victory through Jesus Christ. He urges that the faithful should go on working for the Lord and never give up stressing that their labour shall never be in vain. 

The gospel (Luke 6:39-45) recounts Jesus’ teaching about the close relationship between the heart and the mouth. In his catechesis, Jesus insists that the mouth merely says what is stored in the heart. He compares the scenario with a tree noting that a rotten tree cannot produce good fruits; likewise, a good tree cannot produce bad fruits which indicate that a good person is known through his or her speech.
He also cautioned against hypocrisy stressing that a blind man cannot lead another blind man. By implication, he was challenging his audience to individually ensure that they seek personal purity from the inside before they can engage in reforming others through their speech and action.    

Biblical Examples of Those Whose Speech Put them in Trouble
1. Ananias and Sapphira: A classical example of those whose speech caused their destruction are Ananias and Sapphira who decided to lie. They decided to hoard some parts of the money that accrued from the sale of their land and declared a little before the apostles. The long and short of the story is that they were struck dead (Cf. Acts 5:1-11). 
2. Apostle Peter: When Jesus told his disciples about his impending death, Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. “Never, Lord!” he said: “This shall never happen to you!” (Cf. Matt 16:22). Jesus had to rebuke him for such hate-speech because he was thinking in the flesh. He was a stumbling block to Jesus’ going into Jerusalem to face his passion.                  

Contemporary Implications of Foul Speech
1. Have you ever considered how many people have lost their lives because of gossip?
2. Do you realize that some people have lost their jobs because of backbiting and gossip?
3. Has it occurred to you that some people are at the highest echelon of power today because they blackmailed others?