Saturday, 14 July 2018

Shikrot Mpwi - Sunday Synopsis with Fr. Justine J. Dyikuk
 15th Sunday of the Year, B – July 15, 2018.
Readings: Amos 7:12-15; Ps 84:9-14; 
Ephesians 1:3-14; Gospel – Mark 6:7-13.
Theme - The Call to Discipleship: Between Serving God and Man!
Beloved in Christ, our reflection today titled, “The Call to Discipleship: Between Serving God and Man” presents us with a battle betweenAmaziahthe priest and prophet Amos. The battle for the soul of prophesy in the Old Testament is resolved by Jesus who gives a proviso for true discipleship. To put this reflection in perspective, we shall briefly look at who the priestAmaziah and prophet Amos were andthe bone of contention between the two. This shall guide us to the gospel where Jesus gives the vivid picture of what true discipleship involves. This shall also lead us to the practical lessons required for our day to day lives as Christians.  

Background & Summary of the Readings
The first reading (Amos 7:12-15)discloses the clash betweenAmaziahthe priest and prophet Amos. We shall highlight the major points of the sacred text thus:
 (a). The Person of Amaziah& his Grouse:Amaziahwas a priest in charge of the royal sanctuary in Bethel. He was fond of sugarcoating the message of God. He talks to please the king and also for money. He compromises the truth and plays to the gallery. When he heard Amos’ vision of the plummet (plumb-line) which portends the destruction of the shrines and sanctuaries in the kingdom as well as the dynasty of king Jeroboam II through the sword (Amos 7:7-9), he felt that his job, means of livelihood and principal, were under  attack(Amos 7:13). Because he was prophesying for filthy lucre, he accused Amos of the same thing.Heordered that Amos leaves the scene. On the whole, Amaziahpreferred to please man and displease God.

(b). The Prophet Amos& his Vision:The prophet Amos hails from Tekoa, in Judah (Amos 1:1). He was, however, called to prophesy in Israel, the northern kingdom. Amos sees three visions of judgment against Israel where locusts eataway the spring growth (7:1-3), a shower of fire consumes the land (7:4-6) and a wall built with a plumb line.Apparently, God sets a religious and ethical plumb line on the kingdom of Israel to see how they stand. Sadly, the people did not measure up because they were not upright. Amos maintained that God will destroy the high places of worship and rise violently against Jeroboam’s house – a prophesy that both prophets Amos and Hosea condemn stressing that these were improper locations for the  worship of God.