Twentieth Sunday of Year, C – July 14, 2016.
Readings: Jer. 38:4-6, 8-10; Responsorial Psalm Ps 40:2, 3, 4,18 (R.14b); Heb.12:1-4; Gospel Luke 12:49-53.
Theme: The Cost of Discipleship
Dearly beloved in Christ, today’s gospel contains one of the most misconstrued words of Jesus. Those who take on Christianity use this scripture as basis for accusing Jesus for calling for a bloody revolution. That is not all, they conclude that he cannot be the Prince of Peace he claims to be since he said: “I have come to bring fir to the earth ...”
Far from it – to understand what Jesus said in context, we must realise that sacred texts can either be taken connotatively or denotatively. While connotation refers to the suggestive or associated meaning of words, denotation refers to their literal or actual meaning.