Twenty-eightSunday of the Year, C – October 9, 2016.
Readings: 2 Kgs 5-14-17; Responsorial Psalm Ps 98:1, 2-3, 3-4; 2 Tm 2:8-13; Gospel Lk 17:11-19.
Theme: Offering thanks & the Blessing of Giving
Our readings today centre on the theme of giving. In the first reading (2 Kgs 5-14-17), Naaman, the Syrian army General returns with his whole retinue to offer thanksgiving to God for cleansing him from leprosy. Coincidentally, only one out of the ten lepers who were cured by Jesus return to give thanks to God.
The action of both Naaman and the Samaritan was an indictment on the people of Israel who often failed to thank God for his numerous blessings in their lives. By singling out the Samaritan for praise, Jesus was presumably directing his rebuke to the sons and daughters of Israel for embarrassingly failing to offer thanks to God.
Elisha, the prophet of God, would reject the gifts offered by Naaman as an example for men of God to work for the Lord out of an ardent desire for saving souls not for sordid gain. In a society that is crazy with donor fatigue occasioned by tithes for blessings, giving for promotion and threats to unwilling givers, pastors of souls must re-access their vocation on the attitude of Elisha bearing in mind the words of ordination: “Work not for sordid gain...” and “Model your life according to the mystery of the Lord's cross.”