Shikrot Mpwi - Sunday Synopsis with Fr. Justine J. Dyikuk
Fourth Sunday of Lent, Year, A (Laetare Sunday) –
March 26, 2017
Readings: 1
Sam 16:1b,6-7,10-13a; Responsorial Psalm Ps 23:1-3a.3b-4.5.6(R.1); Eph.
Gospel Jn 9:1-14 OR Jn 9:1.6-9.13-17.34-38.
Theme: Rejoice, because God Chooses the Weak, to Shame the Strong!
Friends in Christ, today is Laetare or Rejoice Sunday. The fourth Sunday
of Lent is referred to as Laetare Sunday because the Latin words of the Introit “Laetare
Jerusalem” (Rejoice, O Jerusalem) from Isaiah 66:10 appears in the entrance
antiphon at Mass in the Western Christian Liturgical Calendar. As we continue our annual Lenten Observances of prayer, fasting and
almsgiving, the Church bids us rejoice because our redemption is near.
Laetare Sunday is considered as a day of relaxation from the normal rigors
of Lent as Easter is insight. Traditionally, weddings which are usually
discouraged during the period of Lent are performed on Laetare Sunday. To
further authenticate “Rejoice Sunday,” servants were released from their
Master’s Service to visit their mothers which is why in some Churches,
Mothering Sunday is held on this day.
The theme of joy connects with the first reading (1 Sam
16:1b,6-7,10-13a) which recounts how God
shows preference for the youngest son of Jesse, David amidst his siblings. The
favour God shows David is also demonstrated in the lives of the Israelites who
despite being a small nation, enjoy divine blessings to the dismay of the Egyptians
and Babylonians (Deut 7:7-8). One lesson we can quickly learn from this is that
God has a way of making small things great.
To put him on the lane of happiness, Jesus turns the darkness of lack of
sight suffered by the blind man in the gospel (Jn 9:1-14) into a life-changing
experience. By giving him sight, Jesus changed his mourning into rejoicing. To
appreciate the narrative, we must realize the various stages the man went
through to appropriate the blessings of God in his life.