Friday, 29 September 2017

Shikrot Mpwi - Sunday Synopsis with Fr. Justine J. Dyikuk
 Solemnity of Our Lady Queen and Patroness of Nigeria – October 1, 2017
Readings: Isaiah 11:1-10; Responsorial Psalm Ps 71:1-2,7-8,12-13,17;
 Eph 2:13-18 & Gospel Matthew 2:13-15,19-23.
Theme: Trusting Our Country to the Care of the Blessed Virgin Mary


Beloved in Christ, it is providential that the Blessed Mother Mary accompanies us in the Local Church in Nigeria and the Universal Church. The Church Fathers in Nigeria have urged us all to join in the Universal celebration of the Centenary of the apparitions of Fatima in Portugal. It is our desire that the three little shepherds of Fatima, Lucy, Francisco and Jacinta would join the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady Queen and Patroness of Nigeria to intercede for our country Nigeria as we mark her feast and the 57th independence anniversary of our nationhood.

Explication of our Liturgical Readings

In the first reading, the prophet Isaiah (11:1-10) foretells that the shoot which will spring from the stock of Jesse shall stand as a signal to the peoples. He further states that it will be sought by the nations noting that its home will be glorious. It is instructive to note that that prophesy is fulfilled in Jesus whom St. Paul in the second reading (Eph 2:13-18) says, came to restore peace through the cross thus enabling us to find our way to the father.

The gospel narrative of the flight to Egypt reminds us about the sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary, BVN. While we will not reflect entirely on the sorrows of the BVM this homily, it is essential to note that Jesus, who came from the stock of Jesse was nurtured within the confines of a human family. It is worth recalling some of the challenges the Holy Family encountered on their way to Egypt. Often times we forget to remember the cold weather, the rocky terrain, the mode of transportation and the distance to Egypt. 

The story is told of the armed robbers they met on the road. When they were about dispossessing them of their belongings, the baby Jesus smiled; at his radiant smile, the commander of the gang ordered that everything be returned to them. That is how they left for Egypt safely. We are told that the commander of the gang was the good thief whom Jesus forgave on the cross. Apparently, the extra biblical source where this is story is gotten lives us with the lesson of one good turn deserves another. This story leads us to the invaluable place of the BVM in salvation history and why she is the Queen and Patroness of Nigeria.

Why we must place our country under the banner of Mary

Ø  At 57, Nigeria is yet to reach her full potentials due to needless military interventions in our polity leading to bribery and corruption, marginalization and cries of session which has further given birth to hate speeches and intimation – this is why we are placing our country under the banner of Our Lady Queen and Patroness of Nigeria for urgent intercession;
Ø   We are challenged to say “yes” to the will of God like the BVM whose “yes,” to the will of God in Luke 1:26-38 turned human history for good – Our fortunes can change if we say “yes” to doing good and “no” to doing bad; 

Ø  Since Mary’s “yes” was a perfect submission to God’s will which connects with her bodily virginity, we are charged to offer our bodily, material and spiritual supplications to God who is capable of changing things around in our country;
Ø  The Virgin mother’s total and permanent abnegation and self-giving to God propels us to work for God and fatherland; 
Ø  As her children, the BVM invites us to be docile to the promptings of the Holy Spirit which overshadowed her and made her the worthy mother of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. This implies that we need to be docile to civil authorities.
Ø  In addressing her, “Full of grace” the Virgin Mary was given the title “most favoured by God.” This is because she was to be the mother of the Messiah who is named Emmanuel, God with us – This means that he who was promised to be great would never abandon us in poverty, unemployment, sickness or even death because like St. Paul would say, in all things, we are conquerors through Christ who strengthens us (Romans 8:37).
This leads us to the theology of Mary and what we must do to give this celebration the solemnity it deserves.

What we must do

1. Patronize the Eucharist: The Eucharist is the source and summit of lives and existence. As such, today’s celebration calls to expedite action in being a Eucharistic people through the daily reception of the Holy Eucharist and allowing its effects be felt in our lives.

2. Pray the Holy Rosary: We must develop a personal devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary through praying Holy Rosary also known as the Chaplet. This is because the intercession to the Mother of the Lord through the rosary is one of the most powerful weapons we have as Christians. As such, the Holy Rosary strengthens us in the following ways:
Ø  It helps us to develop a personal relationship with Christ whom Mary says we should do what he tells us (John 2:5).
Ø  It plunges us into the joyful, sorrowful, glorious and luminous mysterious of Jesus who died for our sins. 
Ø  It helps us realise that the Blessed Virgin Mary played a vital role in our salvation as a co-redemptress and mediatress of all graces. 
Ø  The Holy Rosary grants us ultimately victory over the forces of evil.
Ø  It unites the pilgrim Church with the Church triumphant through St. Dominic and the Fatima Sheers who propagated the devotion to Our Lady.
Ø  Through praying the Holy Rosary, we are prepared for a happy death because in that prayer, we say: “Pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
To be sure, praying the Holy Rosary is not about the Blessed Virgin Mary as some people have erroneously accused the Catholic Church. On the contrary, it is about Jesus whose joyful, sorrowful, glorious and luminous mysteries we mediate upon while calling on his mother who interceded for the couple at Cana in Galilee (John 2:1-9) to do the same for us. Mary is always ready to remind us to do what her Son tells us namely, to love God and our neighbour. If we are able to do that, our country would be the better for it.

3. Go for Confession and do Penance:  Much like the sons and daughters of Israel, (Zechariah 2:10-13) we are at crossroads as a nation. As such, God calls us to renew our faith, hope and love in him through the sacrament of reconciliation and undergoing penance. Since we are God’s children, if we make concerted efforts at attaining holiness, like St. Paul would say, all things would work well, unto good (Rom 8:28-30) for us.

Homiletic Quotes to Remember

Ø  We as the BVM,  Our Lady Queen and Patroness of Nigeria to intercede for our country as we mark her feast and the 57th independence anniversary of our nationhood.
Ø  The gospel narrative of the flight to Egypt reminds us about the sorrows of the BVM.
Ø  At 57, Nigeria is yet to reach her full potentials due to needless military interventions in our polity leading to bribery and corruption, marginalization and cries of session.
Ø  As a country, our fortunes can change if we say “yes” to doing good and “no” to doing bad.
Ø  We need to expedite action in being a Eucharistic people through the daily reception of the Holy Eucharist and allowing its effects be felt in our lives.
Ø  The intercession to the Mother of the Lord through the rosary is one of the most powerful weapons we have as Christians.

Friends in Christ, rather than resort to hate speeches or undue call for the division of this country, we are challenged today to ask the BVM God to intercede for our country. God knows us and wants us to be like his Son by appropriating the call to holiness through which we are able to fulfill our mission on earth. Although he assures us of his unconditional love, God calls us to be holy and dedicated to him.

As we develop a true spirit of devotion to the BVM, may she guide our leaders aright to help us overcome the fading recession which made life difficult for the citizenry.  As she did to the little shepherds of Fatima, the BVM requests that we earnestly pray for our Church, country and world. It high time we cued into the call to holiness and supplication for our nation. May the Holy Spirit empower us to live up to our baptismal commitments through developing “a lively faith animated by charity.” Happy independence anniversary - have a blessed week ahead!

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