Saturday 6 August 2016

Shikrot Mpwi- Sunday Synopsis With Fr. Justine

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C - June 12, 2016 Readings: 1st Read: Wis. 18: 16-9; PS responsorial Psalm 33: 1, 12, 18-19, 20-22; 2nd Read: Heb. 11: 1-2, 8-19; Gospel Lk. 12: 32-48. Theme: A Call to Faithful Stewardship Beloved in Christ, our readings call us to be faithful stewards of God's promises. Time and time again, Christians Have Been Reminded That ours is a call to be faithful, not successful. That is why the first reading from the book of Wisdom (18: 16.09) tells the story of fidelity of the sons and daughters of Israel to the tradition of the Passover meal. In obedience, the children of Israel kept track of God's miraculous deeds to Their fathers. The Passover was a memorial of God's saving work in Their Lives - It was a tradition That was meant to be passed on. As an act of faith, the Israelites made it a point of duty to to recall God's faithfulness to His people. Little wonder then a, the second reading from the letter to the Hebrews (11: 1-2, 8-19) charges us to emulate the faith of the ancients obedient to God Were WHO. Particularly since the reading mentions Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, we are not surprised That These names are Invoked During our time in prayers for God to These friends of interceding for us.

As mentors of faith, They kept God's word and so left us an example to follow. We can not follow God if we are not people of faith. Our reading tells us That "faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen." It adds That "Because of it [faith] well attested Were the ancients." If we have faith, We Have to Worry About Because little faith dispels fears and Doubts. That is the message of the gospel (Lk. 12: 32-48). Faith Gives Us unwavering confidence to face our daily tasks, detach ourselves more and more from the material possessions so as to get "that an inexhaustible treasure in heaven That no thief can reach nor moth destroy." Jesus goes ahead to state: "where your treasure is, there will your heart be Present." This IMPLIES That in our call to discipleship, many things will stand in our way to distract us. However, faith Demands That We September Our Priorities right. We can only do if we are faithful That Stewards. Jesus Gives us the recipe for being faithful stewards Namely, readiness. The scripture is replete With themes of being on the alert network. Be it a call to wear the wedding gown or stand ready, the call is the same. Much is required of us Because much has being Given to us. I paid the price for our sake - He left us with a memorial of His saving person to faithfully partake of the Eucharist as a Means of salvation. UNLESS we emulate the fidelity of the Israelites towards the Passover Celebration and Develop a deep faith Which is vigilant and obedient, we will be termed faithful stewards. Being deserving Stewards Demands That We put our eyes away from a life of debauchery, materialism and vain glory. Listen to what the Lord says About Those Who would be faithful to the end: "Who, then a, is the faithful and prudent steward Whom the master will put in charge of His servants to distribute the food allowance at the proper time? "Blessed Is That servant Whom His master on arrival finds doing so. Truly, I say to you, the master will put the servant in charge of all His property." That May be your portion in Jesus' name. Have a great week ahead!

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