Friday, 26 May 2017

Shikrot Mpwi - Sunday Synopsis with Fr. Justine J. Dyikuk
Seventh Sunday of Easter, Year, A – World Communication Sunday - May 28, 2017
Readings: Acts 1:12-14; Responsorial Psalm Ps 27:1,4,7-8;
  1 Pet 4:13-16 & Gospel John 17:1-11.
 Theme: United in Prayer!

Friends in Christ, today is the Seventh Sunday of Easter. Coincidentally, today is World Communications Sunday – A day in which the Holy Father gives a theological appreciation to technological advances in media with a view to reminding the world that the media should be used in the service of man. Directors of Social Communications, Catholic Media Practitioners and Media Workers are expected to use this day to advance the course of human communication as a major component of communication at the same time showcasing the Church’s view of what good communication is. We shall come back to the Holy Father’s message for this celebration later. 

For the apostles of Christ, pre and post ascension episodes constitute important moments of sober reflection and prayer. While the common saying goes, “misery unites people” we must also understand that “Joy equally unites people.” After the ascension, the first reading (Acts 1:12) recounts that the apostles, filled with joy, returned to Jerusalem. It noted that “all these devoted themselves with one accord to prayer,” together with some women.

By staying together, the apostles sustained the unity of the spirit through prayer. Since they were one in heart and mind, they stormed the heavens with prayer awaiting the Holy Spirit. The word of God assures: “Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am in their midst”(Matthew 18:20). This underscores the importance of the community of believers (Church) and community prayer (Liturgy).

Our world today is rife with Christians who argue that you must not belong to a Church to be truly Christian. They further argue that private prayer is more important than community prayers. The implication of these positions is that there is no need of Church as an assembly of God’s people or the liturgy as a fixed rite of public worship.

Thankfully, today the apostolic beginnings of what we know as Church and liturgy dating back to 33 AD clarifies the matter. On the relevance of the Church, the gathering of the apostles in Jerusalem signifies the relevance of the Church as a community of faith – What makes us truly Christian is our initiation into a community of believers through baptism. This means that we must not dispense with the Sunday Assembly or Sunday Worship as it gives us a plethora of opportunities to worship the Father through His Son, Jesus Christ.

The second aspect is as important as the first. While belonging to the Church, we must take community prayer seriously. Personal prayer and devotion is good but that should flow from community worship – community worship finds its deepest expression in the Church where believers in the mould of the apostles unite one in heart and mind. You should note that Jesus had to reappear and show himself to Thomas when the latter reunited with the apostles. The apostles also had to go to Jerusalem as a full squad.

Sadly today, the Church is fragmentalised on tribal lines. Cases of nepotism and vestiges of crude-political power are creeping into the Church which makes free and fair election of officers into pious societies and sodalities difficult. What was unheard of is now happening in some dioceses where the clergy and the laity are demanding for a local ordinary from amongst their people. Today’s liturgy calls us to a sober reflection on the need to seek unity of the spirit for the good of the Church.

It is crucial to note that the apostles were filled with great joy for two reasons. First, the Lord’s ascension into heaven was the beginning of their test of discipleship. Jesus came, saw and conquered while leaving them with the task of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19). After his appearances and reassuring discourses with them, it was left for them to pass the test. Second, together with Mary the Mother of Jesus and some women, the-devout anxiously awaited the Paraclete whom Jesus promised would lead them to the complete truth - Nothing could be more joyous.

Little wonder Jesus prays for the world in the gospel (John 17:1-11). By praying for the world, he demonstrates the importance of prayer in our lives – our prayer must be in-season and out-of-season. As we celebrate World Communications Day, we connect our readings with the theme of this year’s celebration: ‘“Fear not, I am with you” (Is 43:5): Communicating Hope and Trust in our Time.’ The Holy calls us to “lift up our eyes to contemplate the Lord in the liturgical celebration of the ascension.”

The Pontiff further notes that we must search for a communication that does not glamorise evil but concentrate on propagating “good news” while calling us to open our hearts to the Spirit which continues “to sow in us a desire for the kingdom, thanks to all those who, drawing inspiration from the Good News amid the dramatic events of our time, shine like beacons in the darkness of this world, shedding light along the way and opening ever new paths of confidence and hope.” Happy World Communication Day!

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