Saturday, 23 December 2017

Shikrot Mpwi - Sunday Synopsis with Fr. Justine J. Dyikuk
Vigil of the Nativity of Our Lord, Year B – Nov 24, 2017.
Readings: Is. 62:-1-5; Ps 89:4-5.16-17.27.29(R.2a); 
Acts 13:16-17.22-25; Gospel Mt. 1:1-25 or 1:18-25.
Theme: Celebrating God With Us!
Friends in Christ, I welcome you to tonight’s vigil in which the Church awaits the wedding of heaven and earth. It is a vigil which turns our gaze heavenwards. Tonight, the Son of Justice and the Son of Righteousness is to be born. In this celebration, we are reminded about how God took the initiative to ransom humanity. Our liturgy sets before us the incarnation events which mark the beginnings of our salvation story and also discloses God’s benevolence to humanity. Tonight, we shall reflect on “Celebrating God with us.”   

Notes About Our Readings
In the first reading (Is. 62:-1-5), the prophet Isaiah presents the remote stages of our salvation. The reading makes a case for vindication and salvation of the Lord’s chosen. The prophet insists that the Lord delights in his elect and compares the joy of his servant to that of a young man marrying a virgin. The reading sets the tone for the joy of a people chosen by Lord for his kind purposes.
The Acts of the Apostles (Acts 13:16-17.22-25) where the second reading is taken from recounts God’s divine choice. It tells how God chose the people of Israel and lifted them with an outstretched arm. It further mentions David, a man after God’s own heart, as the one who would do the will of God stressing that “of this man’s posterity,” God “brought to Israel a Saviour Jesus, as he promised.” What is worthy of note is God’s initiative of redeeming humanity in keeping with his promise of old.
This connects to the message of the gospel (Mt. 1:1-25 or 1:18-25) which reiterates the point about the Davidic dynasty by stating the genealogy of Jesus. The gist of the gospel is that Jesus is the son of Joseph, son of David. What is pertinent in the reading is the name given to Jesus: “Emmanuel which means, God with us.” From the prophet Isaiah through the testimony of St. Paul and the Matthean text, one theme that runs across the readings is the fact that God has always been with his people. It, however, also indicates that God needs the cooperation of people like David, Joseph and the Blessed Virgin Mary to manifest his glory.   
Application to Pastoral Context
1. In tonight’s vigil, the Church awaits the wedding of heaven and earth by inviting us to turn our gaze towards heaven.
2. Tonight, that the Son of Justice and the Son of Righteousness is to be born, our liturgy charges that we live him a place in our hearts like the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph who allowed the spirit to work in their hearts.
3. Since our readings disclose God’s benevolence to humanity in initiating our salvation project, we are challenged to be benevolent towards those at the margin of society like the aged, the sick, the imprisoned et al.

4. By disclosing the remote stages of our salvation, the prophet Isaiah points to the fact that God is always at work in our lives except if we don’t care enough to notice him.
5. Israel, as God’s divine choice reveals that you too are God’s project which he seeks after for reformation and salvation except you don’t oblige him.
6. Our liturgy discloses that God does not go back on his promise as is indicative in providing Israel a Saviour, Jesus as a fulfilment of his promise of old.
7. That David was a man after God’s own heart and the one who eventually did his will demonstrates to us that we too can be beneficiaries of God’s grace and favours if we do his will at Christmas and beyond.
8. The genealogy of Jesus teaches us to also appreciate the families we come from and not be ashamed of our lineage no matter how bad it is.

Homiletic Quotes to Remember
1. This vigil turns our gaze towards heaven.
2. Our liturgy sets before us the incarnation events which mark the beginnings of our salvation story.
3. We are called to celebrate Emmanuel - “God with us.”       
4. The reading sets the tone for the joy of a people chosen by Lord for his kind purposes.
5.  The gist of the gospel is that Jesus is the son of Joseph, son of David.

 As we await the Lord’s nativity, the Christmas celebration calls us to usher Christ into our hearts and homes. By welcoming him, Christ is able to complete his work of redemption in our lives. This season gives us another opportunity to always “Celebrate God With Us.” This can only be possible if we see the hand of God in everything we do. Above all, we must make concerted efforts at bringing joy and peace to others. Perhaps that would be the only Jesus they would see. Merry Christmas!

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