Saturday 1 June 2019

Shikrot Mpwi - Sunday Synopsis with Fr. Justine J. Dyikuk
Seventh Sunday of Easter, Year C – World Communication Sunday –June 2, 2019.
Readings: Acts 17:55-60; Responsorial Psalm Ps 97:1-2b.6.7c.9(R.1a.19a);Rev. 22:12-14.16-17.20& Gospel John 17:20-26.
Theme: “We are Members One of Another” 
(Eph 4,25): From Social Network Communities to the Human Community.

Beloved in Christ, today is World Communications Day (WCD). In his 53rd World Communications Day message titled“We are Members One of Another” (Eph 4,25): From Social Network Communities to the Human Community,”the Holy Father, Pope Francis gave a theological appraisal of advances in media technology while challenging the world to appreciate human communication as an essential component of social networking. While charging all to use the media in the service of humanity, the message urges Directors of Social Communications, Catholic Media Practitioners, Media Professionals and indeed and all Media Workers to use this day to advance the course of human communication in such a manner that it showcases the Church’s understanding of good communication. Instead of preaching on the normal readings for 7th Sunday of Easter, we shall highlight essential points from the message of the Roman Pontiff. 

Punchy Notesfrom Pope Francis’ 2019 WCDMessage
1. Since its arrival, the Church has always promoted the Internet as a vehicle of encounter between people and solidarity among them.
2. In the face of myriad challenges, current communications should be viewed in the context of human relations towards rediscovering cooperation, interaction and human solidarity.
3. Based on the metaphors of the Net and Community, the Net is a resource of our time which is a source of knowledge and relationships that were once unthinkable.
4. While technology has brought about profound transformations in the process of production, distribution and use of content, the Internet brings about the extraordinary possibility of access to knowledge.
5. However, experts have noted that it has also brought about risks which threaten the search for, and sharing of, authentic information on a global scale.
6. Regrettably, the Internet has also become one of those areas which are most exposed to disinformation, conscious and targeted distortion of facts and an instrument that is often used to discredit interpersonal relationships.
7. Social networks which help in connecting, rediscovering and assisting human beings to relate with one another are also used for manipulation of personal data of others for obtaining political or economic advantages thus demeaning the self-worth and rights of others.
8. Statistics show that among young people, one in four is involved in episodes of cyberbullying.
9. The metaphor of the Net which was the basis of the Internet invites us to reflect on the multiplicity of lines and intersections towards ensuring its stability in the absence of a centre, a hierarchical structure and a form of vertical organization.
10. From an anthropological point of view, the metaphor of the Net recalls the image of the community that is stronger, cohesive, supportive and animated by feelings of trust even as it pursues common objectives.
11. The community is a network of solidarity which requires mutual listening and dialogue based on the responsible use of language.
12. As social network communities, virtual communities demonstrate cohesion and solidarity as well as groups of individuals who recognize one another through sharing common interests or concerns characterized by weak bonds. 

13. Sadly, the social web identity is too often based on opposition to the other, the person outside the group emphasizing what divides us rather than what unites us thus giving rise to suspicion and venting of ethnic, sexual and religious prejudice.
14. This tendency encourages groups that exclude diversity, that even in the digital environment nourish unbridled individualism which sometimes ends up fomenting spirals of hatred - In this way, what ought to be a window on the world becomes a showcase for exhibiting personal narcissism.
15. There is the dangerous phenomenon which exposes young people to the illusion that the social web satisfies their relational level thus making them “social hermits” who are completely alienated from societythereby creating a serious rupture in the relational fabric of society.
16. This multiform and dangerous reality raises various questions of an ethical, social, juridical, political and economic nature which also challenges the Church.
17. Aware of the responsibility we have towards one another in the online network, we are challenged to find our true communitarian identity.
18. Drawn from the metaphor of the Body and Its Members, we are challenged to be truly members one of another on the basis of reciprocal relationships (Cf. Eph 4:25).
19. While Truth is revealed in Communion, Lies are a selfish refusal to recognize that we are members of one body and that we are obliged to give ourselves to each other.
20. In order to communicate himself to and with us, God adapts himself to our language, establishing a real dialogue with humanity throughout history (Cf. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Dogmatic Constitution Dei Verbum, 2).

Pastoral Application
1. We are challenged to rediscover the positive potentials of the Net towards making its elements to share responsibility.
2. The Net is an opportunity to promote encounter with others and also decrease our self-isolationtowards entrapping others like a web.
3.Governments are charged to seek legal ways to regulate the web and to protect the original vision of a free, open and secure network.
4. We all have the possibility and responsibility to promote positive use of the Internet.
5. Being members one of another is the profound motivation with which the Apostles invite us to put away falsehood and speak the truth - The duty to guard the truth springs from the need to promote mutual relationships of communion.
6. The metaphor of the body and the members leads us to reflect on our identity which is based on communion and on “otherness” as members of the one body whose head is Christ.
7. We are called upon to refrain from seeing people as potential competitors but to consider even our enemies as persons thus defining ourselves in the all-encompassing gaze of Christ who leads us to discover otherness in an integral relationship of closeness.
8. By virtue of our being created in the image and likeness of God who is communion and communication-of-Self, we carry forever in our hearts the longing for living in communion, for belonging to a community.
9. Christians are called to manifest that communion which marks our identity as believers because faith is a relationshipand an encounter which energizes us to communicate with others, welcome them and understand their gift through responding to them in love.
10. Our life becomes more human insofar as its nature becomes less individual and more personal and communal
We are reminded that “the use of the social web is complementary to an encounter in the flesh that comes alive through the body, heart, eyes, gaze, breath of the other.” We are challenged to use the Net as a resource for meeting at table and looking into each other’s eyes, sharing stories and experiences of beauty or suffering, praying together to seek that which unites us and communing together in the Eucharist. In this way, the Church becomes a Network woven together in “Truth” not “likes” moving towards the great “Amen” which binds us together as the Body of Christ. Have a fabulous month ahead! 

NB: You are cordially invited to our 10th Anniversary of Ordination to Catholic Priesthood which comes up on Thursday June 13, 2019 at St. Mary’s Parish, Jimpi, Toro LGA, Bauchi, Bauchi State. God bless as you attend!

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