Shikrot Mpwi - Sunday Synopsis with Fr. Justine J. Dyikuk Twenty Seventh Sunday of the Year, A – October 4, 2020
Readings: Isaiah 5:1-7; Responsorial Psalm Ps 80:8.11.12-13.14.17b.18-19(R.Is 5:7a); Phil 4:6-9 & Gospel Matthew 21:33-43.
Theme: A Cry of Distress
Sunday Synopsis
In the first reading, the Prophet Isaiah decries that despite what God did for Israel, He only got bloodshed and a cry of distress instead of justice and integrity. In the second reading, St. Paul invites us to substitute worry for praying to God with gratitude while filling our hearts with what is noble and worthy of praise. Through the parable of the Vineyard Owner, Jesus invites us to embrace justice by being proactive members of the New Israel who are saddled with the responsibility of cultivating God’s vineyard until He returns in glory.
Friends in Christ, our liturgy discloses how God toils for his beloved in expectation of love but only got a cry of distress. Titled “A Cry of Distress,” our readings invite us to be proactive as the Lord’s vineyard saddled with the responsibility of recruiting others for kingdom. As responsible tenants, we are challenged to take our baptismal commitments seriously.
Summary and Background of the Readings
In a song of distress, the Prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 5:1-7) states that despite what God did for Israel, he got bloodshed and a cry of distress instead of justice and integrity. Israel, the Lord’s Vineyard did not bear fruits. Regrettably, he expected grapes from but only got sour grapes; he expected justice but found bloodshed, integrity but got distress.
The second reading (Phil 4:6-9) urges us to replace worry with praying to God so that he may guide our hearts and thoughts as the new tenants of his vineyard. St. Paul insists that with prayer and thanksgiving, we should fill our hearts with what is true, noble, good, pure, virtuous and worthy of praise. He surmised that by so doing, the God of peace would be with us.
The gospel reading (Matthew 21:33-43) presents us with one of Jesus’ mirror parables namely the Vineyard Owner. According to Mark Link (2006) there are Window and Mirror Parables. On the one hand, Window Parables are simple stories or verbal windows which begin with “the kingdom of God is like” through which we derive insights into God or his kingdom. On the other hand, Mirror Parables are stories that act as verbal mirrors which give insights into our lives. Jesus employs them to let his audience identify themselves in what he teaches.
In situating the gospel around Old Testament context, we realize that: The vineyard owner is God, the vineyard itself is the people of Israel, the tenants constitute the leaders of Israel; while the first group of slaves sent by the owner are the early prophets that God sent to Israel, the second group are the later prophets that he sent to his people; the owner’s son who was killed is Jesus and the first leasing of the vineyard refers to the Old Covenant (Link, 2006).
The second reading (Phil 4:6-9) urges us to replace worry with praying to God so that he may guide our hearts and thoughts as the new tenants of his vineyard. St. Paul insists that with prayer and thanksgiving, we should fill our hearts with what is true, noble, good, pure, virtuous and worthy of praise. He surmised that by so doing, the God of peace would be with us.
The gospel reading (Matthew 21:33-43) presents us with one of Jesus’ mirror parables namely the Vineyard Owner. According to Mark Link (2006) there are Window and Mirror Parables. On the one hand, Window Parables are simple stories or verbal windows which begin with “the kingdom of God is like” through which we derive insights into God or his kingdom. On the other hand, Mirror Parables are stories that act as verbal mirrors which give insights into our lives. Jesus employs them to let his audience identify themselves in what he teaches.
In situating the gospel around Old Testament context, we realize that: The vineyard owner is God, the vineyard itself is the people of Israel, the tenants constitute the leaders of Israel; while the first group of slaves sent by the owner are the early prophets that God sent to Israel, the second group are the later prophets that he sent to his people; the owner’s son who was killed is Jesus and the first leasing of the vineyard refers to the Old Covenant (Link, 2006).
Pastoral Lessons
1. God Fertilizes Our Lives: Our liturgy reveals that God takes care of us in every way by fertilizing our lives like a plant in his vineyard which he manures.
2. God Can Withdraw His Vineyard: Much as we are God’s vineyard which he nurtures, we must not take his care for granted as he could withdraw his vineyard if we take his love for granted.
3. Pray for Bishops: Since the New Tenant Farmers to whom the owner leased the vineyard are the Jesus’ Apostles who also doubled as the New Leaders of Israel, we are urged to pray for Church leaders especially our Bishops so that they can always guide the Church in upholding faith and morals since they are the direct successors of the Apostles.
4. Embrace Values of the Kingdom: Because the second leasing of the vineyard refers to the New Covenant (Link, 2006), contemporary Christians who by the virtue of their baptism entered into a covenantal relationship with God are urged to embrace the values of the kingdom as responsible citizens of the kingdom who are potential citizens of heaven.
5. Be a Responsible Member of the New Israel: Our gospel not only indicates that Gentiles are those responsible for forming the New Israel but challenges us to be responsible members of this new family who are charged to be the salt of the earth and light of the world.
6. Cultivate God’s Vineyard: As children of the New and Everlasting Covenant established by Christ, God has leased his vineyard to us which implies that we must make concerted efforts to cultivate God’s vineyard by recruiting others for the kingdom through righteous living.
Summary Lines
1. In a song of distress, the Prophet Isaiah states that despite what God did for Israel, he got bloodshed …instead of justice and integrity.
2. The second reading urges us to replace worry with praying to God so that he may guide our hearts and thoughts as the new tenants of his vineyard.
3. St. Paul insists that with prayer and thanksgiving, we should fill our hearts with what is true, noble, good, pure, virtuous and worthy of praise.
4. Jesus employs [Mirror Parables] them to let his audience identify themselves in what he teaches.
5. The owner’s son who was killed is Jesus and the first leasing of the vineyard refers to the Old Covenant.
2. The second reading urges us to replace worry with praying to God so that he may guide our hearts and thoughts as the new tenants of his vineyard.
3. St. Paul insists that with prayer and thanksgiving, we should fill our hearts with what is true, noble, good, pure, virtuous and worthy of praise.
4. Jesus employs [Mirror Parables] them to let his audience identify themselves in what he teaches.
5. The owner’s son who was killed is Jesus and the first leasing of the vineyard refers to the Old Covenant.
Today’s Responsorial Psalm (Ps. 80:8ff) reminds us that we are God’s vineyard. This is why upon calling the Lord to visit this vine and protect, the psalmist asks for God’s blessing. It is instructive that the Psalmist pledges that we would not forsake the Lord again. As children of the New and Everlasting Covenant established by Christ, God has leased his vineyard to us. What this implies is that we are called to guard the Lord’s Vineyard. As custodians of the kingdom, we are challenged to manure and nurture the Lord’s Vineyard. With today’s Psalmist we pray, “God of hosts, turn again, we implore, look down from heaven and see. Visit this vine and protect it, the vineyard your right hand has planted.” May we not act like the reckless tenants but guard jealously, the Lord’s Vineyard. Amen. Have a fabulous week!
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